New improved PETPlus

New improved PETPlus

Formulated by holistic vet Suzi McIntyre, PetPlus whole food supplement provides enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone), taurine and essential fatty acids which are either lost from processed food or missing from a raw food diet. 

This is an advanced, high potency formulation which helps replace the food enzyme activity lost in the cooking and processing of foods.


Probiotics are more important than ever right now, so we have increased the amounts and species. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also known as Brewer’s Yeast and Nutritional Yeast, have recently been discovered to be very important probiotics, as well as their great value in supplying B vitamins and amino acids.

Completely unrelated to the pathogenic yeasts like Candida albicans, the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protects the body from invasion by such pathogens by living in the spaces the pathogens would otherwise try to occupy.

Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus have long been recognised as essential inhabitants of the digestive system of all mammals. Protecting the gut from invasion by pathogens by their very presence and production of a mildly acidic micro-environment, Suzi has increased the numbers significantly.


Prebiotics are essential supports for the probiotics. Largely comprising plant fibre, the healthy gut biome (probiotics) digests and thrives on these otherwise indigestible plant components. This internal ‘farm’ allows the body to absorb and use many of the inorganic (not plant based) minerals consumed as well as producing numerous vitamins, most notably, Vitamin B12.

Orafit Inulin has been chosen specifically for this purpose, replacing the Frutafit Inulin in the previous formulation. Beetroot fibre also fulfils this role and has been reduced to 70 mg as in large amounts, it can increase bowel activity in sensitive individuals. Virtually all the other ingredients in this formulation contain plant fibres which also act as prebiotics. So the probiotics already existing in the gut and those in the PETPlus are beautifully supported and enhanced by the vast range of prebiotics in PETPlus.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (omega 3,6,9) are provided by all the plant ingredients, but specifically by flax seed powder (very rich in the anti-inflammatory omega 3), hemp seed powder, chlorella and orange safflower petals. The balance of omega 3,6 and 9 needs to be in favour of omega 3, but a healthy, raw source of all the omegas is important to support hormone production, cell wall strength and numerous other bodily functions. Suzi has increased the amounts of all of these specific ingredients.

Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals

These are all readily available in all the ingredients, but the grasses are specifically rich sources. Suzi has increased the quantities of the alfalfa, barley and wheat grass juice powders to reflect the growing need for more cellular protection afforded by these grasses. The Kamut Wheat Grass is the very best source of the whole spectrum of nutrients, being the first recognised species of wheat. Using the grass portion, not the seed, automatically ensures there is no gluten in PETPlus. Bilberry juice powder continues to contribute enormously.

Coenzyme Q10

This is essential for the production of energy by the mitochondria, the energy powerhouses in every cell. With the environmental challenges faced by all living entities, the increase in Coenzyme Q10 to 30mg per half teaspoon (2.5g) will help with the efficient production of energy.


L-Taurine is normally produced by dogs, but not by cats who must obtain this essential nutrient from their food. Recently it has become apparent that dogs can no longer make their own, so we have increased the amount of Taurine in PETPlus to 100 mg per half teaspoon (2.5g)


This continues its astonishing role of protein digestion, assimilation and efficient use in the body.


Enzymes are essential for every living process and have always been a major component of PETPlus. Suzi has added Invertase to the proprietary enzyme blend to help with the digestion of carbohydrates.

She has also gone metric, so the pot sizes are now 100g and 400g which has also enabled her to keep the prices the same. She is proud to have had no price increases in 26 years!

In Conclusion

There have been some subtle changes to the formulation to enhance its already superb effectiveness. Suzi has increased some and decreased other ingredients to make PETPlus the best whole superfood based vegan nutritional supplement in the world!

Having experienced the huge benefits of giving PETPlus to my own cats, I can assure you yours will experience greater health and vitality by adding it to your pets' meals. After all, prevention is better than cure.


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