Vitamin C and its role for Arthritis The word ‘arthritis’, not very surprisingly, is a combination of two words- ‘arthro’ meaning joint and ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. The...
Go grab some vitamin D The other day I received a text from a family member saying she has been prescribed vitamin D for the...
The Impact of Environmental Toxins on Immune Health Across Generations Research has indicated that environmental toxins concentrate in greater levels as they move up the food chain, being found in...
Arthritis? It may just be inflammation... When inflammation becomes chronic a shift in the type of activity going on at the site of inflammation takes place....
Top 15 foods for recovering from a mild brain injury An acquired brain injury from an accident or medical trauma can put a real stopper on your life. It’s likely...
Probably the greatest lethal burden we unwittingly carry More than 300 environmental chemicals identified in various human samples have been found to bring about various deleterious effects on humans, while the...
How and why Cellulite forms - and what to do about it. The human body functions properly when it’s slightly alkaline because a slightly alkaline body's blood can absorb more oxygen, a...
Charcoal: the dirt on an ancient remedy Despite the devastation caused by wildfires, they leave behind an incredible substance renowned in history for its healing powers. While...
The Reason I Didn't Die 30 Years Ago Written by guest author Keith Foster FLS Like most people you may be suffering from Hypoascorbemia, or lack of the...